Category: Ambassadors

July 9, 2020

Ilario Ferrocino University of Torino (Italy) I work in the area of microbiome research at the University of Torino, within the Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Science. My main focus is the study of microbial ecology in environment and foods as well as the ones that live in our gut. The impact of microbiome…

July 9, 2020

Mery Piña Institut Pasteur (France) Microbes are marvelous organisms, although they are tiny, they can do impressive things such as changing the atmosphere of the whole planet! For my taste, the most amazing microorganisms of all are viruses: highly efficient with a reduced genome. I made my early research in hyperthermophilic viruses, which have extraordinary…

June 26, 2020

Inês Azevedo Moreira Escola Superior de Biotecnologia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa Being a microbiologist, I could say many things about microorganisms, but none of them would describe their immensity. I am passionate about Microbiology and along the years I tried to work in this area but it wasn’t always possible. Nowadays I am a PhD…

June 26, 2020

Benedictta Chinweoke Okeke-Nwolisa Nnamdi Azikiwe University I am currently undertaking microbiome research as a PhD student at the Nnamdi Azikiwe University Nnewi Campus, Nnewi, Anambra State, Nigeria. Precisely, I am working on the gut microbiome of under five children with diarrhoea. i love microbes because they are very important in human existence, especially the friendly…

June 26, 2020

Andrea Pinos Universidad San Francisco de Quito I am from Ecuador, one of the most biodiverse country in the world. My country’s economy is based on traditional agriculture and non-renewable resources. As a consequence, the biodiversity is at risk highlighting the necessity of alternatives to protect and conserve it.When I started to study plants diversity…

June 26, 2020

Frank Duan The Institute of Microbiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences I am a Ph.D psychology with more than 10 years experience in the human gut microbiome field. After having completed my Postdoctoral research on microbiome-gut-brain axis, my main focus for the past 3 years was using gut microbiome test to provide lifestyle recommendation,…

June 26, 2020

Laura Payling The Riddet Institute I love microbes because they are the most ancient organisms on earth. They’ve been around for billions of years and their colonisation is vast. Microbes are found in acid pools, radioactive waste and the vacuum of space! Their versatility is insane, including their symbiotic relationship with humans. Our bodies are…

June 26, 2020

Surajit Pal Pondicherry University Several strategies in this diverse world convinced me to indulge myself in the area of life processes going on around my surroundings. I do mesmerized by the biological entities of the nature. Human as a “Bioreactor” holds a huge population of microbiome living within them, in their mouth, over the skin,…

June 26, 2020

Roland Lawson University of Limoges Our work is devoted to precision medicine in the field of transplantation from the perspective of the gut microbiome. We are involved in several projects investigating the consequences of chronic dysbiosis on transplant outcomes. We target the gut microbiome to prevent immunosuppressive drugs side effects and to study the link…

June 26, 2020

Maria Mendoza University Andres Bello The essential is invisible to the eyes, and that essential part is the microbiota.Since I started the research area, I have been divided between the intestinal microbiota and the bad pathogen (C. difficile), and thanks to the research that I have been able to develop with my colleagues and PI…