June 10, 2019

Marcus Boehme APC Microbiome Ireland I hold a life-long passion for understanding the benefits of a healthy diet. Growing up on my family’s fruit and vegetable farm, I was first…

May 13, 2019

Daria Rybakova Technische Universität Graz I have been working for 5 years in the area of microbiome research as a Postdoctoral researcher at the Graz University of Technology (Austria), within…

May 13, 2019

Michael Schloter Helmholtz Zentrum München I became fascinated with microbes when I realized their importance for our life. For my master thesis, I was working with water purification systems. It…

May 13, 2019

Emmy Van Daele Wageningen University The microbes in our intestinal tract are situated at the intersection of my two biggest passions: human nutrition and microbiology. Researching stool (scientist speak for…

May 13, 2019

Stefanie Wetzels FFoQSI I initially fell in love with the herbivore rumen microbiome during my diploma thesis at the Institute for Milk Hygiene of the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna….