Mathilde Poyet Global Microbiome Conservancy We, at the Global Microbiome Conservancy, are aiming to preserve the full biodiversity of the human microbiome before it is lost to industrialized diets and…
Esther Kumar Novozymes The world is seeking Sustainable solutions to make the world a better place and I feel proud to associate with an organization that is doing Better Business…
The microbiome is more than just bacteria-what about bacteriophages? Author: Lorraine Draper, APC Microbiome Ireland Date: 21st June, 2019When we think of the microbiome, we usually think of all the…
Alena Pribyl MICROBA The community of microorganisms that live in our gut are incredibly important for our health, mostly because of the huge variety of substances they produce that can…
Graciela Vignolo CERELA Fermentation of raw materials is an ancients way of preserving food. It is a desirable process resulting from the modification of food material by the activity of…
World Microbiome Day & Antimicrobial Resistance Author: Melissa Raassina & Rebecca Morehouse Date: 26th June, 2019In celebration of World Microbiome Day, we’re discussing all things microbes and antibiotic resistance! Many…
Naomi Strout The Microbiome Research Centre (MRC) I am a dual trained Registered Nurse and Registered Midwife (Distinction) – so it was surprising (and refreshing!) that I was exposed to…
Isabelle Ibrahim The Microbiome Research Centre (MRC) Being a research nurse in Australia’s first microbiome research centre makes me a niche within another niche, and I wouldn’t have it any…
Pauline Scanlan APC Microbiome Ireland Humans are walking ecosystems – our bodies are host to a wealth of microbial diversity that play an integral role in our health and well-being….
Orla O’Sullivan Teagasc Food Research Centre We live in a microbial world with microbes inhabiting every imaginable environment including soil, water, food and humans. My passion lies in researching the…