Author: carlosabun

July 10, 2020

Kelly McNagny & Yane Valdez University of British Columbia Ode to the Microbiome   On Microbiome Day 2020, A toast to those who have plenty, Abundant and diverse, Tis a joy, not a curse, And to our experts, the cognoscenti   The biome stored in your pooh, Has forever been there with you, Protecting from…

July 9, 2020

Chesneau Guillaume French National Research Institute for Agriculture, food and Environment (INRAE) We all have a long story in common with microorganisms, and we have minimized their importance in our lives for years. First time I heard about a microbiota was during practical work at school, when I made a leaf imprint on a Petri…

July 9, 2020

Tassia Torres Furtado Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro My deep interest in the microbial world comes from the diversity and versatility of microorganisms. The fact that the number of microbial cells may exceed that of its host makes these organisms even more interesting to me. My research involves the gastrointestinal microbiome of pets,…

July 9, 2020

Dhruva Kakkad Nirma University I am a #MicrobiomeAmbassador because…God and microbes are the same, found everywhere, they are omnipresent. The reason one can love microbes is they are found everywhere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, other unusual places like hydrothermal vents, volcanic regions etc. The reason why one can hate microbes is because pathogenic ones can do…

July 9, 2020

Perrine Portier Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (France) Who is tiny, fascinating, powerful, and capable of almost anything? Who has changed the planet enough to permit life as we know it? Who is keeping us alive? Who has shaped us, other living things and even human civilisations?Microorganisms!I discovered microorganisms during my childhood, studied them…

July 9, 2020

Ilario Ferrocino University of Torino (Italy) I work in the area of microbiome research at the University of Torino, within the Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Science. My main focus is the study of microbial ecology in environment and foods as well as the ones that live in our gut. The impact of microbiome…

July 9, 2020

Mery Piña Institut Pasteur (France) Microbes are marvelous organisms, although they are tiny, they can do impressive things such as changing the atmosphere of the whole planet! For my taste, the most amazing microorganisms of all are viruses: highly efficient with a reduced genome. I made my early research in hyperthermophilic viruses, which have extraordinary…

June 26, 2020

Inês Azevedo Moreira Escola Superior de Biotecnologia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa Being a microbiologist, I could say many things about microorganisms, but none of them would describe their immensity. I am passionate about Microbiology and along the years I tried to work in this area but it wasn’t always possible. Nowadays I am a PhD…

June 26, 2020

Benedictta Chinweoke Okeke-Nwolisa Nnamdi Azikiwe University I am currently undertaking microbiome research as a PhD student at the Nnamdi Azikiwe University Nnewi Campus, Nnewi, Anambra State, Nigeria. Precisely, I am working on the gut microbiome of under five children with diarrhoea. i love microbes because they are very important in human existence, especially the friendly…

June 26, 2020

Andrea Pinos Universidad San Francisco de Quito I am from Ecuador, one of the most biodiverse country in the world. My country’s economy is based on traditional agriculture and non-renewable resources. As a consequence, the biodiversity is at risk highlighting the necessity of alternatives to protect and conserve it.When I started to study plants diversity…