Institute of Industrial Lactology (INLAIN, UNL-CONICET) National University of Santa Fe Litoral
Why are we so passionate about microbiomes? Because by understanding its structure, how it is established – even before birth – and how it works, we understand the impact of food on human health. This understanding provides us with tools to be healthier and highlights the importance of fermented food and probiotics as a means to change the gut microbiota in favour of our wellbeing.
What is our research about? In the Industrial Lactology Institute we are currently developing three research projects involving the microbiome: the study of breast milk microbiota and isolation of probiotic bacteria from this food; the study of microbiota from animal feed silos to understand the impact of probiotics and prebiotics to animal feed in this complex ecosystem; and the study of the microbiota of wild and domestic horses for isolation and characterization of new horse probiotics.